기사 메일전송
[문화원소식 ] 김창열 화백에 대한 다큐멘터리 <물방울을 그리는 남자> 스크리닝 행사 (3.24(금) 오후 3시)
  • 위클리홍콩
  • 등록 2023-03-23 13:38:50

3월 24일(금) 오후 3시부터 아시아 소사이어티(Asia Society) 홍콩 Miller Theatre에서, 대한민국을 대표하는 화가 김창열 화백을 다룬 다큐멘터리 <물방울을 그리는 남자> 스크리닝 및 감독과의 대화(온라인)를 개최한다.

주홍콩한국문화원, 아시아소사이어티, 페로탕(Perrotin) 갤러리가 공동주최하는 행사로,

- 2시 칵테일 리셉션

- 3시 영화 상영

- 4시 15분부터 김오안 감독, 브리짓 부이요(Brigitte Bouillot) 감독과의 대화(온라인) 

로 진행된다. 

입장료는 무료이며, 등록 및 자세한 사항은 아래 아시아 소사이어티 홈페이지에서 확인할 수 있다.



[영문 소개]

2:00pm Cocktail Reception
3:00pm Screening
4:30pm Director's Talk via Zoom

- In French and Korean with English subtitles

- Free Admission

This is an exquisite and piercing documentary film about the artist Kim Tschang-Yeul, who died in early 2021. He is regarded as the most recognized artists of his generation who built his body of work around the representation of a single fascinating motif – the water drop. The artist’s lifetime obsession with painting water drops--the symbol of an Asian serenity--reveals the scars of war and the memories of Korea’s history. This documentary was completed by his son, photographer

Kim Oan, along with co-director Brigitte Bouillot, who is also a photographer, and all his family, capturing the life of his father and also an artist. Kim Oan said that in the process of filming, he was able to spend more time with his father and ask everything he wanted to ask. It is a beautiful portrait of a relationship between father and son that reflects on the differences in culture, age, and temperament.

Being co-organized by Asia Society Hong Kong, the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, and Perrotin, the event is highly expected to serve the essence of Korean art to audiences during Art Basel Hong Kong 2023.

The Screening will be followed by a talk with Kim Oan & Brigitte Bouillot via Zoom.

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